
Riding the Wave
#HumaningIsHard and we all struggle sometimes, and that’s okay. It is often said that the best stories are inspired by real life events. Well here’s a short, ironic story of real life surfing.

We are bombarded with messages about how to prepare. If we are constantly planning for the future, when do we stop and pay attention to the now?

A Treatment for Trauma - Compassion
Everyone has experienced some degree of trauma over the last 14 months. What can you do about it?

What is Yoga?
Take a moment and ponder that question. Then, consider what could it be for you?

Eating Disorders – aka “ED”
Eating disorders take on many forms. It is not about the food.

Brain Fatigue
Symptoms of mental fatigue include physical fatigue, irritability, or poor concentration. Think of a toddler that is in need of a nap

Just Breathe
Mindful breathing has been linked by studies to lower physiological and psychological stress.

The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D gets a lot of press, but how beneficial is it and for what?

Eustress (Yoo-Stres)
More than half (55%) of Americans reported feeling stress a lot during the previous day

Seasonal Affective Disorder
The days are getting shorter and colder. The sun is lower in the sky.

Demystifying Menopause
Part 4: Treatment Options for Menopause Symptoms
To treat or not to treat, that is the question...

Demystifiying Menopause
Part 3: Is It Hot in Here? Hot Flashes
Perimenopause and menopause have many symptoms, but the one symptom most people can identify is the hot flash. It is experienced by 75 to 80 percent of women.

Demystifying Menopause
Part 2: The Signs and Symptoms
Hormone shifts underlie menses changes, but what other symptoms might you notice

Demystifying Menopause
Part 1: What is Menopause? Perimenopause? Am I having “The Change”?
About half of the world’s population (women) will experience menopause at some point. What is menopause? It is clinically defined as

Dead at 43 Years Old
Over the weekend, I was shocked to read the headline that 43 year old actor, Chadwick Boseman, had died.

Times Are Tough
We are a little sick of hearing “these are unprecedented times,” but it’s true.

Hand Hygiene
Have you ever seen the 1991 movie with Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfuss, “What About Bob?”?